Henry Allison wants Oscar Bohemian as an opponent for his next match
Oscer H. Bohemian was planning for retirment well recovering from his previous match. That was until he was informed on the boxing olympics. Oscar was intrested and is now gonna particapate in the challenge. Unfortunantly, due to severe damage in his upper cranium, he cannot fight in a while. So he is gonna have to rest for a while for now. Oscar is desperate than ever to fight, he says he doesn't mind fighting, no matter how much his head hurts. What else is stopping him then? Well, it turns out that if he continues fighting before recovery, he will be paralyzed. Meanwhile, there has been a new hottest fighter in town. His name is, Henry Allison.

Henry has been wanting to become the boxing champion of the world. After winning the california championship, henry wants to go bigger. He wants to enter the olympics too. To make it even crazier, not only does he want to win the olympics, he is also planning on beating the legendery, Oscar Bohemian in person. Will he be able to prove he is the greatest fighter of all time, or will Oscar show who's boss. Find out on May 20 2024.
2 weeks ago, Oscar beats Tom Franklson